Every year, World Day for Safety and Health at Work is celebrated on 28 April.
According to the latest ILO report, nearly 3 million workers die every year from accidents at work and occupational diseases. (Article source: United Nations / 28 April World Day for Safety and Health at Work).
One of the CFAO Group’s commitments is to promote a “Zero accident” culture while taking active steps to prevent risks, in particular through its “Let’s T.A.L.K. Safety” program.
We salute the many local initiatives of our subsidiaries and employees who work throughout the year to promote and adopt our ZERO accident culture.
Discover on LinkedIn a fine example of the actions deployed by our subsidiary CFAO Mobility – Sénégal. Click on this link.
You will find also on social media many other examples of events that were organized by our subsidiaries to celebrate that Day.